Find your pet or report it missing

Is your pet registered in the PetBase database? Is your pet unfortunately missing? Chances are he/she has already been found!

Do you just want to check whether your data is still correct? By entering the chip number of your animal here you can look up your pet or a missing report

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Search chipnumber
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Blauwe stip
Bo team PetBase

Searching for your pet after it has gone missing

More than 13,000 pets go missing every year. These are mainly cats. To get these pets home as soon as possible, it is important to chip and register your pet. As soon as a correct registration has taken place after chipping, you can enter your personal PetBase account report the animal as missing. We would also like to help everyone find their pet. That is why we have some tips for when your pet has gone missing. You can find this via the button below:

Your pet not yet registered?

Registering your pet is important, even legally required for dogs. Registering your pet ensures that he can be reunited with you quickly missing.

In the Netherlands, more than 4 million households have one or more pets. Most people have a cat or a dog. Many of these animals are touched daily missing.
Before your animal can be registered, it needs a chip. This can be set by a chipper or a vet.

Register your pet at PetBase

PetBase is a government-approved animal database. In fact, we are the safest animal database in the Netherlands. All animals registered by PetBase can be found in the Netherlands and abroad. This increases the chance that your pet will be found.

Register your pet easily within 2 minutes and see all your pets in 1 account. 

Moving house with pets

When you move, your pet naturally moves with you. It takes a while for your pet to get used to his/her new home and to find his way back when the animal is outside. It therefore happens more often than one pet missing affected after a move. Make sure you have reported your move to PetBase. With our “Plus package” you can arrange this in advance and indicate your moving date and address.

Of course, this does not only apply to the period after the move. Your details must always be up-to-date so that the emergency services can reunite you with your animal. Changes can be made free of charge at PetBase.

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Blauwe stip
Find a pet

Rules for chipping and registering dogs

Since 2013, all dogs born or imported into the Netherlands must be microchipped and registered. This legislation was made to prevent malicious breeders and traders. These breeders and dealers often sell sick dogs with forged papers. Therefore, always check when purchasing a puppy whether he has a valid chip and passport.

In the Netherlands, the dog must be chipped within 7 weeks. For import, this must be done within 14 days after arrival in the Netherlands. In both cases, the dog must also be registered with a recognized animal database.

PetBase is one of these animal databases recognized by the government. 

Cat and dog tag

Chipping other animals

The most animals that are chipped are cats, dogs and horses. But other animals can also be chipped, such as rabbits, parrots, ferrets, snakes, turtles, koi carp and snakes. 

These animals can all run away, fly away or can be stolen. Therefore microchipping other animals is just as important as microchipping dogs, cats and horses. With the right combination of a chip with a correct registration at PetBase, your animal can access missing to be traced again. You can find your pet with a few steps that you can find on the following page:

Overige huisdieren registreren


Your dog or cat has gone missing, which is a big deal! You want to get him/her back as soon as possible, and PetBase helps you do just that. Reporting your dog or cat missing is easy in PetBase. Find the registration via Search chipnumber. On this page, enter the 15-digit number of the chip and click on the 'Search' button. You will then see your animal details and click on 'Log in and change'. Do you have a then you can select your pet via 'My pets' and make the missing report there.

Check your privacy settings directly: to do so, click on "My address + phone" after logging in. At the bottom of the form, you can choose which data we display when someone looks up the chip number. We recommend displaying at least the phone numbers so that, in case of a missing animal, an authority can contact you directly and is not limited by the opening hours of the database and the reporting authority. 

Extensive help can be found on our support page.

You can indicate that an animal has died by requesting the chip number and logging in your account. There you can report the animal as deceased in the database.

Once you have entered the chip number, click on changing data, log in with the chip number and registration/form number and enter your preference. It is best to create a PetBase account at and then with chip number and registration/form number add your pet for free and there you can manage all the data yourself.

Your personal data will only be shown if people search on the 15-digit chip/chip number and if you have chosen to show data. If you choose contact only via database, the data of the registering authority will be shown when you are queried. Please note that this authority and also we as database are only open on certain days and hours. So if you have opted for contact only via database and the animal is found in the evening or at night, you cannot be contacted directly! We always ask that you at least show your phone number

Is your question not listed? Then look further on the next page or on our support website:



Team PetBase