Register your cat
Chipping your cat is a very smart measure! After all, it is quite common for cats to run away. By chipping your cat and registering it with PetBase, you can be sure that it will return home soon!Â
Registration can be done at PetBase within in 3 easy steps.
Starting from € 7,50
PetBase is the European animal database for pets with a chip
Register your dog simply & quickly at PetBase
- Your dog can be found at home and abroad
- Registration done in just 3 minutes
- Everything clearly arranged in one account
- Lifetime free data changes
- User-friendly for everyone
- 1 year of free registrations for only 15.00

Register your cat in 3 steps!
A new cat, congratulations!
You've probably been looking forward to it for months but then it's actually happened or is coming soon. You are expanding your family with a sweet cat. This will be a really fun time, but in the beginning there are also a lot of responsibilities attached to it. This is where we are going to help you!
It's smart to get your pet Chipped and registered at a government-recognised animal database. By chipping and registering your pet, you ensure that its home can be traced if it goes missing. You decide what data can be found. You can always change the data provided. We do this free of charge to ensure that the details remain up to date at all times so that we can find your pet's home address again.
Benefits of PetBase
"Je kat registreer je snel en gemakkelijk"
“Bij PetBase kun jij je hond snel en gemakkelijk levenslang registreren in slechts 3 minuten! En meteen wordt je hond in binnen- en buitenland geregistreerd dankzij de aansluiting van PetBase bij EuroPetNet. Alles met het doel om je (huis)dier zo snel mogelijk thuis te brengen na vermissing. “
How does an account with PetBase work? Check it out here:
We work together with all competent authorities that work with lost or found animals, such as Amivedi, animal ambulances, animal shelters, animal clinics, (SDGN),, (EPN) en
Register your cat at PetBase
At PetBase you can easily register your dog within 4 steps. Read below the few steps you need to do:
How do you put your cat in your name?
If you already have an account log in at the top right on your account. Do you still have no account? Then click the button at the top right register dogs, cats and other pets. Once you are logged in to your account, click on the 'add pet' button on the left.
Met het chipnummer (15 cijfers) en overdrachtscode (begint met pb-) of formuliernummer is dan het dier gemakkelijk op je naam te zetten. Na de betaling van het pakket (7,50 standaard of unlimited voor 18,00) is alles eenvoudig direct en veilig geregistreerd in onze databank.
There is only average 3 minutes needed to create an account and register your dog
We report these directly to the Central Animal Database of RVO so that you comply with all legal obligations.
Lost and Found Registration
Lifetime Registration
Registered immediately
Portal for the government (RVO)
1 year unlimited registrations
Lost and Found Registration
Lifetime Registration
Registered immediately
Portal for the government (RVO)
Link photos
Unlimited registration for 1 year
Registrations never disappear
You cannot make (address) changes by phone. Changing is done via our website, option use the search option by filling in the chip number and log in via the 'Log in and change' button. And then log in via the 'Log in and change' button.
Reporting your dog or cat missing is easy in PetBase. Look up your registration at On this page, enter the 15-digit number of the chip and click on the 'Search' button. After that, you will see the animal details and then click 'Log in and change'. Do you have a then you can select your pet via 'My Pets' and make your missing report there. Extensive help can be found on our support page.Â
A transfer code is required to transfer a pet registration to a new owner. Also called transfer code and without this code it is not possible to transfer the animal to another holder / owner. The old owner can request this in the portal and give it to the new owner. More information can be found at the PetBase support portal. Â
For registrations made before 9 November 2021, a form number is necessary. Registrations after this date can work with a My PetBase account and no longer need a registration number, then everything works with a transfer code. No changes can be made to the database without a number or code. The chip number and registration/form number can be found on the blue form or in the e-mail provided at registration.
Only the unique combination of these two numbers gives access to changing your data in the database. This prevents fraud and protects your privacy. We can only search by chip or registration/form number and not by name or address. The chip number can be read by your vet or chipper. You can do several other things to find out the registration/form number.
Condolences on the loss of your faithful pet. You can indicate that an animal has died by entering the chip number request and log into your personal PetBase account. There, you can sign off your animal as deceased in the database. In our support page My dog, cat or other pet has died you can read step by step how to report your pet deceased.
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